This garden shed had been planned for a number of years by the homeowner. Once we got the go ahead to build the shed, we were done in a little over a week.
Framing the walls took less than a day.
The shed was built to closely the match the finish of the main house that can be seen further back in the yard.
The paint really finished it off. The eaves were closed in, and the fascia was painted to match the main house.
The windows that we framed in were used ones supplied by the homeowner that had been removed from the main house during a previous remodel.
This house was built in the 50’s and was not only looking dated, it was so energy inefficient that it was costing the homeowners money to leave it that way. While updating the style, we also updated it to modern standards for energy efficiency.
The windows were all single pane and were so small that the inside of the house was always dark. The concrete bricks were starting to deteriorate as well, and had to go.
Three windows replaced, one to go!
The upstairs part of the house wasn’t much better. The windows had to be replaced, the fascia all around, and the siding had to come off so that all the exterior walls could be insulated.
The attic needed a new vent, so we made one onsite for a custom look instead of just installing a boring premade one.
Finished upstairs with new custom vent and trim around windows. The finished front